Main page banner, displaying a picture of a rebuilt transmission and the C&C logo.

Automotive Repair Mechanics

We are your mechanics for all your auto repair needs in the Ottawa area

We are the most recommended auto service mechanics serving the Ottawa and surrounding area since 2011. From regular maintenance like brakes, oil and tire changes, to major jobs, we are experts with almost all vehicle makes and models. We are your one stop for all of your automotive care needs.


We guarantee that you will be served with integrity, honesty and professionalism. We are committed to providing quality parts, and expert workmanship and advice; and we stand behind that promise.

Check out some of the services we offer below.

Brakes Tires and Rims Oil and Filter Change Engine Exhaust Electrical and Batteries

Full Service Auto Repair Shop

40 Years of Auto Repair Experience

Friendly, Honest and Reliable

Mechanics repairing an engine.
Mechanic welding exhaust manifold on engine.


What Our Customers Say

Read more of our Facebook reviews and Google reviews.

It’s always hard being a woman and walking into a new garage, feeling like you’re going to be taken for a ride. At C&C, the staff are all about helping their clients, whether it involves actually fixing problems or simply giving maintenance and driving advice. They always go above and beyond to make their clients feel appreciated and provide outstanding service and value for money. Walking into the office now feels like I’m visiting old friends. I love my C&C boys and will never bring my vehicle to anyone else ever again!

Lianne Picard-Poirier
Ottawa, ON

As a female I find it difficult to find a mechanic who listens and doesn’t invalidate my complaints. I also find their integrity and honesty very refreshing. They never try to embellish the problem or the cost of repairs. They always take the time to answer my questions in a way that helps me to understand the problem and recommended solution.

I never feel taken advantage of and I have never been dissatisfied with the service I receive. I would recommend C&C to anyone.

Ottawa, ON

I had not been happy with my previous garage and was in desperate need of an oil change. I was a little apprehensive about trying a new place but I took a chance. When I got there I was received at the desk with a smile and each step of the oil change was explained to me. I was so pleased that he took the time to explain things to me and that he made me feel comfortable in an automotive shop (for the first time). I have been back a couple more times since and was given the same quality service. I will never go anywhere else again. Thank you to the wonderful staff at C&C.

Kristina Frost
Ottawa, ON

Contact Us

Contact us today via email, telephone, message us on Facebook or drop in to our garage to speak with one of our highly qualified and friendly mechanics. We welcome all of your questions and inquiries regarding any automotive services.

Phone #: (613)733-1115
Address: 8-1335 Humber Place, Ottawa, ON, K1B 5K9
E-mail: i n f o @ c c t r a n s m i s s i o n s . c o m

Call Us

8-1335 Humber Place

Hours of Operations

Sun. Closed
Mon. 8:30am - 5:30pm by appointment only
Tue. 8:30am - 5:30pm by appointment only
Wed. 8:30am - 5:30pm by appointment only
Thu. 8:30am - 5:30pm by appointment only
Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm by appointment only
Sat. Closed
